Friday, May 11, 2007

Explosions of the Natural Kind

Last Tuesday night at my softball game I was on the bleachers getting my shoes on to warm up before my game. As i'm sitting there looking down, tying my shoes I hear the people behind me all moan. I look up and see a large puppy squating 3 feet away from me. At first, I thought "oh great, my bag was peed on, wonderful". Then I looked closer. It wasn't pee, but horribleness that projected out of this dog. The dog was half a foot away from my bag and like a bottle of champagne exploded it's ingredients onto my bag. It. Was. NASTY! I was shocked and speechless. I just sat there looking at it wondering what to do. Christian started to laugh and told me I was being more calm than she would be. Then Carol said "i'm SURE they'll clean it for you!" Loud enough for the guy to hear that was holding the dog's leash. He got up and went to get some towels. I got up to warm up. Trying to figure out what to do. They offered to get me a new bag. They didn't even want to clean it it was so revolting. So I put my stuff in a pile (no pun intended) while I played my game and after the game crammed it all into 3 plastic shopping bags. I looked like a homeless softball player.

So my new nickname, from Christian, "Kpoo"...


carrmomma said...

Krob - Kpoo - it's all about the same!

Heather and Stephen said...

We died laughing reading this. I'm sure some day you will find this funny. Seriously, though...Yuck! did the man say sorry???

Kim said...

They're bringing me a new bag on Tuesday.