Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mo Ranch

So, friends have gone to Mo Ranch, the Girl Scout troop that G is in has gone to Mo Ranch, but I had never been. That was, until this weekend. We left at 8:30a on Saturday and drove the 2.5 hours to Hunt, TX. It's a little town on the Guadalupe River. Which, the rivers in Texas are nothing like the rivers in GA. Maybe I only ever remember the Chattahoochee, but this water is as clear as the Caribbean! I could see all the fish around, the gross stuff on the bottom that you don't ever really want to touch and all the fantastic rocks that made up most of the stretch of river that Mo Ranch sits on. There were about 20+ of us. Lots of little kids. Some super cute 3 year olds that had the most interesting conversations 3 year olds can have. Mostly about how "yummy" the watermelon was at the BBQ last night.

There is a metal slide that is about 30 feet tall. You carry a 40 (approx)lbs wooden sled to the top and put about 2 inches of the bottom in a small little track and hold on. No, I did NOT do this. It sounded like a roller coaster that has just hit the peak of it's incline and is screaming towards that ground. Except at the end of this slide is the river that you go sliding across. The kids had a blast, the grown ups got very tired of carrying the sled to the top. They only have one as to prevent horrendous injury to anyone. It's really one of the most dangerous things i've seen, but according to 50% of the group, it was tons of fun.

There was fishing, canoeing, little rapids, swimming, a rope swing and smores. There were rows and rows of bunk beds in two rooms. One room was for the boys and one for the girls.

I learned how to throw a frisbee three different ways! I think that was the highlight of my trip. I never could figure out how people threw frisbees so far. I'm on it now.

I'm exhausted. Sun, walking, swimming and very little sleep has wiped me out.


Mo Ranch

1 comment:

carrmomma said...

Looks like a great time was had by all. So glad that you finally got to make it out to one of our VERY favorite places!