Friday, September 26, 2008

Trip to Cali for Cousins Wedding

In the beginning of September the Frazees from all over the US met in Long Beach for the first grandchild's wedding! It was the first time that all of the grandchildren on the Frazee side of the family had been together in one place at one time. There are only 7 of us, but it obviously is difficult when two are from GA (TX), two are from MN and 3 are in CA.

I took tons more pictures, but with my dad's camera and I have yet to get that link to that album (HINT, HINT).

I had a great time. We drove around Long Beach and by my old house, school, jobs dad had, beaches mom took us to and old landmarks that I remember on my way home from Grandma & Grandpa's house. The Goodyear Blimp was still flying around and the Bug Squasher was still watching that mouse with the mallet behind his back. It used to be huge, but it was much smaller when we saw it this go round.

I had a fantastic time with my family and an even better time hanging out with my cousins and sister all together.

I can't wait until we all get together again.

From Trip to Cali

And more pictures from Dad's camera.


carrmomma said...

You've been tagged! Come See.

love ~kc

Amy J. said...

How cool! Dontcha just love nostalgiac, family-filled vacations? So fun, and yes, everything looks so much smaller now!