Thursday, October 16, 2008

Been Awhile

I've slacked on this whole blog thing recently. School, work, work, school. Oh, and some softball in between. I've been working on this website: It's almost finished! YAY!

Back in September I headed down to the Austin City Limits Music Festival. I wasn't planning on going, but as it turned out, I went for a day. I missed my sister. It's just not the same...

I was able to see Robert Plant and Alison Krauss on Sat. night of ACL with the Carrs. That was fun. I had to ask Jeff who Robert Plant was. Shhhh, don't tell anyone. I knew he was important, just didn't know he was Led Zeppelin important.

I've been messing around with Photoshop too. Distorting pictures and colors of photos that i've taken. I know I am a little late jumping on this train, but never had the desire to teach myself until now.

Here's one from the kite festival.

and T's Luna.

There's more. I know. I'm tired.


Heather and Stephen said...

shame! don't feel bad, there are TONS of musical facts I am blissfully unaware of.

Heather and Stephen said...

like the pics, too!