Monday, September 22, 2008

Roach Evicted!

So I was driving back to the office the other day. Minding my own business wondering if the traps I had set had taken that ugly roach to wherever roaches go when they are poisoned. Then, out of the corner of my eye, something was moving along the door, where the window meets the passenger door. I calmly freaked out as I was between two cars on a road, driving...slowly, but driving still. I searched the recently cleaned out car for something I could swipe at the dirty, unnecessary to the planet, roach. Nothing. I had nothing. I had a few bank statements that would do nothing but make him mad and quite possibly fly at my head causing me to swerve, slam on my brakes or cause some horrific accident. Finally I found a badge from a show that we had done for work. It was the thick plastic kind, so I was in luck. I had rolled the window down thinking the wind would just calmly sweep it out. No such luck. Plan B started. I waited until I knew I had a shot at it. I checked my rear view mirror, checked the car in front of me, counted to 3 and in my cat-like movements shoved the roach out the window. I have never been so happy! It was a proud moment. I think it is probably safe to take the traps out of the car. They're ruining that new car smell.


Heather and Stephen said...

yaye!!! I thought about you the other day when I rolled down my window to show my ID at the gate and trying to get in my car was a GIANT (ok, it was really big, like body thumbsize and then legs about 3/4 inch!!) SPIDER!!!

well, I flicked at it real fast (not cat like at all, probably more freaked out freaky freak like) and then as I pulled up to the guard I was all craning my neck out the window to see if he was trying to come back and making ick faces. Pretty sure that guard thought I was a freak.

Amy J. said...

O.M.G. G-ross! I will refer you to one of my quirks posted on my blog about hating all things creepy-crawly. I think I might have died if I were you! Glad you got it gone!