Tuesday, July 8, 2008


My english class starts this week. I found out today that I have an essay due on Sunday. I have four categories to pick a topic from. All I can do is sit here and stare at the computer. I'd rather not write about any of them.....

1) diets or exercise
2) other genders, races, or sexual preferences
3) technology, such as computers, cell phones, online college classes, the internet
4) money management (debt, credit, etc.)

Maybe I could write 500 words about the internet. It is, after all, more important that oxygen.


Heather and Stephen said...

I wouldn't mind any of the first three. Don't have #4, so what's to write about?!

carrmomma said...


1. is just a stoopid topic to write about.
2. Hmmm...genders and races could be too sticky, but sexual preferences might be fun.
3. technology - boring
4. ha ha ha ha