Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Day

It's been cold here. I thought this was Texas. I thought it was filled with 100 degree days and cowboys. This snow is breaking the stereotype.

There was much anticipation about the snow. Will there be school or not? We were woken up at 5:55a by a phone call from the superintendent of the austin school district. AWESOME. It woke us up and the boy. It was at that very moment that he wanted to go play in the snow. It wasn't even light outside!!!

We talked him into waiting until 7, or when the sun came up. We bundled up as best we could and ventured out into the inch of snow.

The dogs were uncertain at first then started tearing about in the back yard. The image goes as follows. Lola races, ears back, as fast as she can. She's streamline. There is an aerodynamic approach to her running. Behind her, about 3-5 feet, is her "little" sister. Maggie's racing approach is more lumbering. There is NOTHING aerodynamic to her. Somehow she manages to keep up. I think it's because her legs are twice as long as Lola's. She is a tank.

Lola LOVES to dig in sand piles and, as we found out, snow piles. Jake would pile and Lola would destroy. Fortunately he found this funny or else we would've had a rather delightful day.

Maggie can't quite jump into the trampoline enclosure, so it was Lola and the boy and Maggie jumping and barking at them.

The fun lasted for about 15 minutes before we got cold. It was a very enjoyable 15 minutes though.

I love my family.

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