Friday, October 17, 2008

Ok, Ok...

As if I actually need to list out the 7 random/quirky things about myself, here's what i've come up with. Oh, yeah, and i'm not tagging anyone else because there is no one else. However, if you faithful readers want to post a comment with your 7 quirky things...feel free. No pressure.

1. I don’t like it when my sheets or pillowcase are hot when I get into bed. They must be cold and not have any residual warmth from people/animals. In the same category, my pillow is sacred. It never touches the ground, is covered when I leave so it can’t be used as a bed for the kitties.

2. I can count the number of things that I’ve lost in the last 10 years. Two! My Oakley watch that I’m sure was on the bathroom counter and a cat pushed it off into the trash and without noticing, I threw it out. Then there is the digital camera I lost after my Shiner Bike Ride in 2006. I drove back to Shiner to try to find it along the road when I had to stop to get something from the trunk. I was convinced it would be there. I found the spot, but not the camera. It still bothers me greatly that they’re gone. I have had the same wallet since high school, quite possibly sooner. My driver’s license has never had to be replaced and all new cell phones are upgrades, not replacements.

3. I obsess about things that I’d like to be able to do until I can do it well. Currently, it’s the Ripstick. If you don’t know what a Ripstick is, Google it. It’s comparable to skateboarding. Which I can’t do at all, but the desire isn’t there, so I don’t care so much. But this Ripstick thing is driving me nuts! Ok, I obsess about EVERYTHING...

4. I only drink Iced Tea & Water 90% of the time. I love Pepsi (sorry KC) and Dr. Pepper more than life itself, but as a test for myself In January of 2007 I wanted to see how long I could go without drinking it. It’s almost been two years. Now, I am unable to drink anything else. I will feel like I’ve failed…

5. I typically carry my camera around with me at all times so I don’t ever miss an opportunity to get a picture of something great.

6. It’s taken me since I was tagged weeks ago to actually put a label to my random/quirky things. They’re just there!

7. I brush my teeth in the shower. They feel cleaner.

And PS - I don't like mayo. Only in Tuna Salad will I eat mayo.


Amy J. said...

Woohoo! Mayo-haters unite! I add chicken salad and egg salad to my list of tolerable forms of mayo. But that's it.

PS - you're weird... that sheet thing proves it! ;-)

Kim said...

ah, yes, chicken salad and egg salad are also ok.

Heather and Stephen said...

Brushing your teeth in the shower is just right! It saves water, and there isn't all that spitting in the sink! :)