Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Things have been a bit crazy around here lately. I've been doing some websites and one of them made me just about pull out every single hair one by one. It is/was excruciating! Fortunately, I am outsourcing to someone who actually knows what they're doing. And without the daily emails asking if the site is almost finished things are going much smoother. I don't feel like the world is ending and I've had time to do laundry and pick up my house. It's fantastic.

I had the rocks removed from my little courtyard a few weeks ago. Hoping it would put a fire behind getting it landscaped. So far, no landscaping, but i've been looking for landscape companies that won't make me eat pb&j for the next ten years after I get their bill. The only thing growing now are the weeds. Glad to be free from the weight of the rocks that used to oppress them. Now they can grow free and wild. I would take the roundup and spray them to their death, but the cats love to gnaw on them and I'd rather not poison them too.

Exciting isn't it?

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