Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jill Visits

The little sister came to visit on Friday. She was, of course, delayed and didn't get in until around 8:30p on Friday. She had to sit in the airport for her birthday. How crappy is that!? But she made it. We had a weekend of the Austin City Limits Music Festival to prepare for. Saturday I woke up, went to coach a softball game and then came home. We headed out to Zilker Park and had a great time. It was hot, but some friends had a blanket in the shade, so we sat there in the mid day heat...it was so much cooler! At least 20 degrees. We saw lots of bands, lots of people and had Kettle Korn worth the 30 minutes standing in line waiting for.

Sunday was more music and fun. We tried to anchor a spot in the shade and put our blanket down on the edge of the shade, expecting it to inch it's way over our blanket and keep us cool. It moved the opposite direction. I should've listened in school when they told us all about that Sun moving, Earth rotating stuff. Eventually we had shade. Three hours later. There's so much more, but right now I can't even start to remember.

Jill left on Monday evening and she left me with one very important thing...sickness. There are two possible sources of my sickness, but I want to blame her because that's what sisters are for! I'm feeling better now that I'm on my cold/sinus medication.

Lots is happening. Coaching softball, ACL updates and my own softball games last night were interesting, but like I said, I can't focus on too much right now.

More to come...

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